29th world FORUM of mediation centers, JURISTE INTERNATIONAL, 2021.2, pages 80-81, UIA, Lexis Nexis.
The 29th world FORUM of mediation centers has been again organized in the format of 4 webinairs, during 2 days.
Fabienne van der Vleugel, in her capacity of president of the UIA world FORUM of mediation centers, has written an article summarizing this 29th world FORUM which has been published in the review JURISTE INTERNATIONAL (see attachment).
"Word to mediators" - Mediation in administrative tribunal in Melun
The new website of the administrative tribunal of Melun has been adapted and includes a new brochure explaining the characteristics of mediation in administrative procedures.
This brochure is very well done.
It contributes to the development of mediation in administrative procedures. Already in June 2018, during the 25th UIA world Forum of mediation centers, the president of the administrative tribunal of Melun, Sylvie Favier, explained how mediation would develop in the administrative tribunal and the specificities of mediation n this field of law.
Some pages of the published brochure contain testimonies of three mediators, amongst others the testimony of Fabienne van der Vleugel, which can be read as follows (in French) :
"La médiation, c’est l’opportunité pour les personnes qui vivent un conflit d’oser se rencontrer, dans un contexte confidentiel protégé par le médiateur, aux fins de fixer elles-mêmes une solution au litige qui les oppose. C’est l’occasion, pour chacune d’elles, de faire preuve d’imagination et de négocier une issue adaptée, pragmatique, globale et définitive, parce que chacune des parties médiées a la volonté ferme d’aboutir. Le juge ne tranchera pas, en droit, le dossier, mais constatera l’accord dont les termes resteront confidentiels, sauf si les parties conviennent de répercuter leurs engagements dans un protocole d’accord transactionnel homologué. Il n’y aura donc pas de possibilité d’appel, ni aucune difficulté liée à des mesures d’exécution forcée, puisque les parties médiées exécuteront spontanément l’accord qu’elles auront convenu. Il y aura, par contre, la satisfaction partagée d’avoir pu mettre un terme au différend de façon rationnelle, et de tourner la page en ayant purgé les véritables problèmes sous-jacents."
Organizer of the virtual 29th UIA world forum of mediation centers.
Fabienne van der VLEUGEL, president of the UIA world Forum of mediation centers, will organize the 29th edition of the FORUM, virtually, during 2 days : June 24 and June 25, 2021. The scientific program of this 29th edition will, again, as each year, allow participants to learn more about amicable resolution conflicts and practice of mediation : 1. Conflict resolution and Trade Agreements 2. Mediation of High profile Construction Disputes 3. Results from the ABA Task Force Mixed Mode 4. Baby boomer vs. Millennials – Mediate Multi-Generational Conflicts
Highly recognized speakers coming from various countries (notably, Germany, USA, Australia, Dubaï) will explain their viewpoints and share ideas, quietly, allowing also participants to ask questions.
This year, the UIA FORUM will notably be financially supported by JAMS - Local Solutions. Global Reach.TM (www.jamsadr.com) and AMIDIF (Association of mediators of Paris Region – Association des Médiateurs d’Île de France, www.amidif.com)
Since April 2021, Luc PINSON is the new president of the BNI group “Ici c’est Bailly !”.
This BNI group is gathering more than 40 members.
Fabienne van der VLEUGEL, managing founding partner of VDV AVOCATS, with registered office in SERRIS, is participating to each meeting, every Friday, from 7am to 9am – currently in visio because of the sanitary crisis. Each meeting is challenging and offers the opportunity to better understand each member’s professional dynamic and needs.
Renewal of the nomination as French Foreign Trade Advisor.
Fabienne van der Vleugel has been confirmed in her position as French Foreign Trade Advisor by Decree of 5 February 2021, for the fourth renewal of mandate as from 1st January 2021.
The objectives of the French Foreign Trade Advisors consist in giving information related to the international business, having an advisory role, and informing students in international courses.