VDV Conferences & Meetings

Fabienne van der VLEUGEL regularly organizes conferences and seminars, in France or elsewhere, on subjects associated with her professional practice, including company law, negotiation of contracts, resolution and management of disputes.
She provides such services to companies requesting them in their own premises, especially in their legal, litigation or HR departments, on specific subjects and on improving or stimulating certain aspects of the company.
For its clients and partners, she personally organizes working breakfasts or conferences on new developments (limited to 12 participants), with some of her partners in her firm’s premises, on the last Friday of each month.
Program for the “VDV Friday breakfasts”

- 8.30 a.m. welcome, with coffee, tea and croissants
- 9.00 subject presentation
- 10.00 discussion (questions/answers)
- 10.30 end
Program for the “VDV Conference”

- 4 p.m. welcome
- 4.30 subject presentation
- 6.30 discussion (questions/answers)
- 7.00 end