The network

Depending on the special and general requirements of the work concerned, Fabienne van der Vleugel provides her clients with a multidisciplinary network of experts and specialists, in France or elsewhere, that she coordinates in the interests of the client and of her assignment.
The projects planned by heads of companies in France sometimes require more intensive study in specific areas of special expertise associated with company law, such as valuation of companies, tax, intellectual property or administrative law.
When a French company develops internationally, its projects need to be studied, considered with other specialists of the country concerned and its development coordinated efficiently in accordance with the company’s philosophy in France.
VDV AVOCATS also provides its clients with professionals specialized in asset valuation for giving them full advice on the approaches and strategies adapted to their projects.
VDV AVOCATS’ network provides clients with a “tailor-made” operational and effective team, readily available and well-coordinated for the management of their specific requirements.