Appropriate resolution of DISPUTES

The effective management of disputes is a major concern for companies involving all sides of their business and everyone concerned.
A dispute may be managed before it arises. How? By anticipation and the insertion of appropriate clauses for resolving disputes in negotiated contracts.
A dispute may be managed as soon as it arises. How? By handling it in the most appropriate way and in the most appropriate form for its resolution.
A dispute may be managed throughout its existence. How? By adapting to the circumstances and, if required, changing the tactics originally adopted for resolving it, refining the potential solution so that it can be realistically applied and by so acting as to avoid any repetition.
VDV AVOCATS advises private individuals and companies faced with a dispute, by together considering the most appropriate form for resolution of the dispute concerned.
This department focuses on many problems faced by companies:
- Anticipating the risk of disputes, so as to avoid them (AUDITS, LEGAL MONITORING, TRAINING)
- Managing any incipient difficulties: debt recovery, non-payment management, organizing an effective system for debt recovery and management of cash flow, negotiating appropriate sale terms & conditions
- Resolving disputes by favoring, where appropriate, alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
- Mediation is becoming more common in Europe, although it is already well-established in the USA and England. This system is appreciated by companies seeking practical solutions to disputes and their pragmatic, realistic, rapid and effective management
- Advising companies in bringing suit against clients, suppliers, partners, competitors, collaborators and former employees
- Monitoring those involved in litigation
- Responding to URSSAF (French welfare and family allowance contribution collector) and tax audits
Our expertise
Fabienne van der Vleugel has been practicing as a lawyer since 1996 and can advise you in the defense of your interests before the courts and in legal proceedings that you may wish to bring.
Fabienne van der Vleugel favors the alternative dispute resolution, i.e.: negotiation, compromise, court-approved consensus, mediation and arbitration.

She is an accredited mediator for most French, European and international institutions and is regularly appointed as an ad hoc or institutional mediator (notably IEAM, ICC, CMCC, CIArb, bMediation) for conducting mediations in French or English.
She acts as an ad hoc or institutional mediator (AFA, ICC, IEAM, CEPANI, Institute of Arbitration).