News & Press

Attorney's deed: a guarantee of efficiency to secure your legal environment.

Since April 2011 (cf. VDV News of 7th April 2011), the clients of VDV AVOCATS may have recourse to the Attorneys' deeds.

Enterprises and individuals who are willing to modernize and securize their legal environment may have recourse to the Attorney's deed.

Indeed, the law N°2011-311 dated 28th March 2011 modernizing the legal and judiciary professions has defined a new legal deed in the benefit of the contracting parties, individuals or enterprises: the Attorney's deed.

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First promotion 2013 : the MEDIATION SCHOOL BAR OF PARIS.

Fabienne van der Vleugel has participated to the very first 2013 promotion of the mediation school bar of Paris.

The scientific program was very interesting.

Numerous co-speakers developped various themes about the development of mediation.

On 19 November 2013, Fabienne van der Vleugel has moderated, and participated as co-speaker, to the 3-hour session "3 approaches to solve conflicts : power, law and interests", followed by the session called "Description of the various conflict regulation systems", together with, notably, Christine Guerrier (THALES), Isabelle Hautot (ORANGE) et Jean-Claude Najar.

On 18 Decembre 2013, Fabienne van der Vleugel was honored to speak about "RSE and mediation" with Daniel Tricot, honorary president of a chamber of the supreme court (cour de cassation).

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Introduction about the "Importance of the Law" to students in FONTAINEBLEAU.

Fabienne van der Vleugel has accepted the invitation of the IUT FONTAINEBLEAU to intervene during a law course and explain to the students of a the program DUT GEA the importance of the law, the necessity to know the rights and obligations and to negotiate the terms of a contract before signing it.

Exhibition by the painter Christophe ALZETTO.

Exhibition of paintings of the artist, Christophe ALZETTO.

VDV AVOCATS invites artists to organize exhibitions of paintings or sculptures in its professionnal offices. Those French artists are coming from Seine et Marne department (77) or from outside France.

This is a way to admire art and participate to its development.

Admiring a piece of art requires imagination. Admiring a piece of art, it is also trying to understand the artist’s messages and, in the same time, keeping one’s own logic and personality. This is also the case for the legal analysis: understand the documents, imagine the reasons which conducted to this negotiation, structuring the framework of the negotiations and understand the other’s personalities.

All is art.

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WHO'S WHO : nomination in the International Who's Who of Business Lawyers, Commercial mediation 2013.

Fabienne van der Vleugel has been nominated by her peers as one of the world's leading practitioners in the field of international commercial mediation, in the publication WHO'S WHO LEGAL, "The International WHO'S WHO of Business Lawyers - Commercial mediation 2013".

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