News & Press

Introduction about the "Importance of the Law" to students in FONTAINEBLEAU.

Fabienne van der Vleugel has accepted the invitation of the IUT FONTAINEBLEAU to intervene during a law course and explain to the students of a the program DUT GEA the importance of the law, the necessity to know the rights and obligations and to negotiate the terms of a contract before signing it.

Exhibition by the painter Christophe ALZETTO.

Exhibition of paintings of the artist, Christophe ALZETTO.

VDV AVOCATS invites artists to organize exhibitions of paintings or sculptures in its professionnal offices. Those French artists are coming from Seine et Marne department (77) or from outside France.

This is a way to admire art and participate to its development.

Admiring a piece of art requires imagination. Admiring a piece of art, it is also trying to understand the artist’s messages and, in the same time, keeping one’s own logic and personality. This is also the case for the legal analysis: understand the documents, imagine the reasons which conducted to this negotiation, structuring the framework of the negotiations and understand the other’s personalities.

All is art.

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RPVA - Virtual Private Network for Attorneys (Réseau Privé Virtuel des Avocats).

VDV AVOCATS has joined the new modern dynamic organized by the French bars in France.

Being connected to the Virtual Private Network for Attorneys (Réseau Privé Virtuel des Avocats), the attorneys may connect with the Registrars, receive and send information, being informed about the status of the procedure on line, without necessity to move to the court.

More specifically, in civil matters, VDV AVOCATS may, with the connection to RPVA, have access to her files, contact Registrars, being informed of the Registration number, the dates of the next audiences, the measures of the District Courts (TGI).

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8th ICC International commercial mediation competition in Paris.

The ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition is a unique international event organized in the the mediation field.

Fabienne van der Vleugel has again volunteered her time to act as a judge for the 8th, 4th and ½ finales in the ICC Competition.

This international event is a “must attend” event in the mediation field.

University students from both law and business schools worldwide are coming to Paris in order to participate, during 5 consecutive days, at the ICC Competition. They are testing their negotiation and mediation advocacy skills by applying the ICC Amicable Dispute Resolution (ADR) Rules in mock cases conducted by world’s leading professional mediators.

This year 2013, Colin J WALL (Hong Kong, Commercial, Mediation & Arbitration Servies Ltd) was acting as mediator during the FINALE.

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Exhibition during the inauguration of VDV AVOCATS : paintings and sculptures of Véronique SOITEL, drawings of the illustratrice Carole CLERC.

VDV AVOCATS has invited two artists for the inauguration of its law firm.

The professionnal offices were all decorated with paintings and sculptures created by the artist Véronique SOITEL and with mutliple drawings of the illustratrice Carole CLERC.

The inauguration of VDV AVOCATS, which gathered about 120 persons, has been a success.

VDV AVOCATS continuously invites painters and artists of the surroundings or coming from abroad to expose paintings and/or sculptures in its law firm.