By-laws and incorporation of the company : the first steps.
Law is not just a detail. By-laws, if well negotiated, constitute the skeleton of your company.
Too often, founders of company sign by-laws without being informed about rights and obligations of shareholders and/or managers, importance of capital percentage, impact of matrimonial regime, necessity to negotiate commercial lease, etc.).
Signing by-laws and incorporating a company conducts to the definitive creation of a new individuality, having a personality, and specific rights and obligations. This deserves, without any doubt, some thoughts and a certain time of preparation.
During the “VDV conferences” or “VDV breaks” organized regularly in her law firm, Fabienne van der Vleugel, attorney-at-law since 1996, specialist in company law, takes the time to explain to clients and partners some specific law details that deserve to be known, in order to ease the development of one’s company and avoid tricky situations.
Because all is about preparation and knowledge. Because… law is supposed to be known.
The next VDV meeting scheduled on 31 March 2017 is dedicated to by-laws.
Commercial lease
A first meeting has already been organized at VDV AVOCATS on 31st January 2014 in order to explain to participants that a commercial lease may be negotiated.
This new meeting is organized in order to explain the characteristics of the newly enacted PINEL law of 18 June 2014.
How to manage the debt recovery?
There is an absolute necessity to make sure company's invoices are paid on due time.
What are the various methods for a company to make sure its invoices are paid on due time?
This conference, organized by VDV AVOCATS in its law firm, gives some ideas to avoid non-paiement of invoices and defines the steps to be undertaken in case on non-paiement.
The choice of the adequate legal form.
As from the beginning, the manager will have to choose between various legal form for the company to incorporate.
This choice is very important. It requires that the founder analyse his/her business plan with a legal understanding of the matter, define his/her priorities and think about the company's development in short and long term.
The conference organized by VDV AVOCATS in its law firm gives the opportunity to the audience to have an idea about the questions that shall have to be analysed and studied for choosing the adequate company form.
Managing the company requires (i) analysis of figures/perfect accounts and (ii) the knowledge of law.
Law is often considered as being "just ancillary" to figures and accounts.
In fact: law is as much important as figures and accounts.
This conference explains to the managers the importance of the law in the daily management of their companies: labor law, tax law, company law, commercial law, environmental law, proceedings, ... there is law everywhere.
Better to know it in advance than being obliged to do so.
This conference is organized by VDV AVOCATS in its law firm.